Monday, August 10, 2009

A Faithful, Promise Keeping God!

God is a faithful God who keeps His promises! Many years ago God promised to use me fully to make an impact on the world for Christ's sake, but unfortunately I lost site of God's calling in my life and failed miserably....Thank the Good Lord, He did not give up on me!
As the years went by and grew older, I began to seek God's will in my more and more and one day He restated His promise to me....About three years ago, just when I was wondering if God had forgotten His promise to me, He renewed His Calling to me and His promise as well!!! He said, "Darrell, just continue to follow and obey, walk by faith and not by sight, and be patient and wait upon me; do this and I will answer your prayers and keep my promises."
I began doing just that and this past Wednesday night, on August the 5th, God answered my prayers and fulfilled His promises to me He had made years ago....Central Baptist Church in Ashland, Kentucky, voted to issue a call to me to be their next full time pastor; PRAISE THE LORD!!!! God has truly blessed me to allow me the privilege to serve Him and His people on an everyday basis!! I count this a true honor and privilege to serve the people at Central Baptist Church!
I have been serving there as the Interim Pastor for the past four months, helping to prepare the congregation for their next permanent pastor; transitioning them with God's direction. God has truly blessed over those four months as He has been doing a work in and through me and the church! Now I must shift gears into working long term plans as we seek God's will for us in spreading the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the neighborhood, the city, the country, and the world. Over the past four months God has been orchestrating a "spiritual symphony" where He brought two Christian bodies together to play a wonderful and beautiful tune. Now we corporately have the responsibility to seek God's guidance as we tune the instruments, rearrange the sections, learn the songs, and then play the music for the Lord!
Our most difficult and vigorous work is ahead of us, but I am up for it and I know the faithful people at Central Baptist are as well. If we will continue to stay focused on Christ and His mission for us, continue to follow and obey, walk by faith and not by sight, be patient and wait upon Him, and remember that He is a faithful God that ALWAYS keeps His promises, then He will answer our prayers and fulfill the promises He has made to us!!!!!
Serving The One and Only True God has been an exciting journey and I can't wait to see what He has in store around the next corner!!! Thank you Lord for keeping your promises!!!!! AMEN.


  1. Looking forward to seeing what God has in store for you.

  2. Nadra, I am also excited and looking forward to what Almighty God has in store for me, my family, and my church! Loving and serving the One True God is a wonderful and exciting adventure and journey that cannot be matched by anything else! Praise God!!
