Today, August 20th, 2009, is my Son's (Dustin Clark) 26th birthday......
As I am beginning to write this new post I am listening to a song by Mark Schultz called "He's My Son". When I first heard the name of the song I assumed it was God talking about His Son, Jesus, but when I finally listened to the lyrics I understood that it was from the eyes of a father watching his son growing up and struggling through some type of trial or tribulation; the father is praying to God for protection and guidance for his son......WOW! It brings back so many memories of my son, Dustin, as he struggled growing up and as Debbie and I prayed for him and loved him through those difficult times.
As parents, we doubted our ability many times to be able to raise our kids, Danell and Dustin, the way God intended for us to; as Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it." There were days that I wasn't sure I was training them in the way they should go, which was my responsibility as their father....There were many nights like the nights mentioned at the very beginning of the song by Mark Schultz; "I'm down on my knees again tonight, I'm hoppin' this prayer will turn out right. See, there is a boy that needs your help. I've done all that I can do myself His mother is tired, I'm sure You can understand. Each night as he sleeps She goes in to hold his hand, And she tries not to cry As the tears fill her eyes."
We made so many mistakes, but the one thing we did do right was to continue to pray to God, lift them both up to Him, and trust that God was in control and would lead them in the right direction in spite of our mistakes.....AND HE DID!!!!! Today we have two wonderful adult children that are Christians and are hard working, responsible, and loving parents of our seven wonderful grandchildren!!
OK; back to Dustin....He struggled through so much as he came up through school, all the way from Pea Ridge Elementary to Barboursville Middle School and Cabell Midland High School. I am so thankful that he received Christ into his life at a young age, because I know that is what got him through all of the deep valleys, but as his father I wanted to do so much more for him that I just couldn't do. I spent many nights watching and praying over him; again, more lyrics from the song tell the story - - - "Sometimes late at night I watch him sleep, I dream of the boy he'd like to be. I try to be strong and see him through, But God, who he needs right now is You." At times, as parents, it is so easy to turn your children over to God, but then there are those times you want to do it all for them yourself....The right thing to do is to "let go and let God"!
I always believed and felt from the very start that God had something very special in store for Dustin. As I learned to turn him completely over to the Lord and allow God to work with him and through him, Dustin began to develop a loving and compassionate heart that had a true desire to learn more about God and His Word. He began reading and studying the Bible and applying it to his life and then one day He received a "calling" from God to become a Minster of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; PRAISE THE LORD!!!! He currently is seeking the Lord's guidance as to what he is to do next and where he is to go....He is seeking His face and continuing to obey and follow as he waits upon the Lord.
There are times that he still struggles through difficult situations and circumstances as he tries to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit in his life, and there are still times that I wish I could protect him from what I see coming; once a dad, always a dad and once a son, always a son. I still pray for him and watch over him as I did when he was my "Little Buddy", only now he isn't sleeping in my house and he is my "Big Buddy". More lyrics from the song "He's My Son" express what was in my heart as a younger father looking down at my younger son, but they also express what is in my heart today as I think about how much I love Dustin, how much he means to me, and how proud I am of him; the prayer continues with these words - "Can You hear me? Am I getting through tonight? Can You see him? Can You make him feel all right? If You can hear me Let me take his place some how. See, he's not just anyone, he's my son."
Now I know that I cannot live Dustin's life for him and I know that I shouldn't try, and I don't. But that fatherly instinct kicks in and your heart breaks when you see your child going through something that is difficult or heading into a hard trial and you want to protect them from the hurt by going through it for them. Instead, I must step back and allow God to go through it with them as He teaches them something new and important for their spiritual growth; what I need to do is the right thing that I did when they were younger - - PRAY!!!
Dustin is somebody special and he is special to God, as we all are. God is preparing him for a special ministry He already has waiting for him; what exactly, where exactly, and when exactly, I don't know.....But this I do know - - I will continue to pray for and watch over him every day and every night as I continue to turn him over to God and joyously watch as God grows him into what He wants him to be.
Heavenly Father, Dustin is important to me and what happens to him is important to me.....For GOD, he's not just anyone, he's my son! Please let him know YOU are there; as much as I care and try to do for him GOD, who he needs right now is YOU! LORD, please bless him in a special way on this special day and show him the way YOU would have him to go. Thank YOU LORD for my children and grandchildren and may their lives be dedicated to YOU and devoted to serving YOU only, now and in the future. In Jesus Christ's name I pray. Amen.
Love, Dad!
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