Monday, November 2, 2009

P - R - A - I - S - E

“Now I want you to know, brethern, that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel” (Philippians 1:12 NASB).

The easier our lives are, the weaker our spiritual fiber becomes…..For strength of any kind grows only through exertion! The easier our lives are, the less we will depend upon God and the more we start to think we can do it all ourselves. The more we do, the less glory and praise that our Heavenly Father receives. The less God receives praise, the less the Gospel of Jesus Christ is shared.

How can we better further the Gospel of Jesus Christ and PRAISE God Almighty through our circumstances and daily situations??

P --- “Put God First”…..We should follow the example of Paul; regardless of his situation or circumstance, his concern was how could what he was currently going through be used to spread the Gospel - not how it would affect him.
R --- “Reduce Self”…..Get past the “self-centeredness” and reduce self so that God might be exalted and glorified! “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30).
A --- “Adjust Your Attitude”…..
We tend to divide problems into 2 categories; those we KNOW will require God’s help and the ones we think we can handle ourselves. Adjust that attitude and put them all in God’s category!
I --- “Ignore The Negative”…..Get away from those that will espouse negative thoughts and ideas concerning your present circumstance and crisis situation. They are bringing a word from Satan and you do not need to hear it!
S --- “Stand Tall In The Spirit”…..The world is watching us to see how we will respond to adversity; show them the JOY of the Spirit which cannot be affected by outside forces. Circumstances cannot affect the joy of our salvation!
E --- “Encourage Others”…..By the way we react to our crisis situation, others can be encouraged. If we allow God to handle our problems, others will be encouraged by our faith and God will receive all glory, honor, and praise!

P - R - A - I - S - E

If we are willing to allow God to work through us and our daily circumstances; if we are willing to allow God to be in complete and total control of every one of our crisis situations, then HE will receive ALL the GLORY, HONOR, and PRAISE!!!

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