We are on our 7th day of our 14 day journey; half way complete.....It has been a wonderful experience and over 65 people have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord and at least 10 others have decided to follow Christ in baptism...PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!! At least 10 to 15 of the new converts have agreed to have a Bible study in their homes as well.
God has been so good to give us fruit for our labour and we are expecting more to come, as God continues to bless us all!
Our Filipino hosts have wonderfully planned our activities and have not wasted any time, as we have been very busy doing God's work, spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ in various places around Negros Oriental.....Yesterday, (Monday, Jan. 11th) we were at Bacong Christian Fellowship (BCF) in the morning as we had an evangelistic service for the parents of the students who attend BCF-SBC Learning Center (School); we will continue that this morning and tomorrow.....Yesterday evening we went into downtown Dumaguete City to Luke Wright Barangay, a small section of the city, and had an "Open Air Crusade", where three more accepted Christ and one agreed to follow Christ in baptism -- PRAISE OUR HOLY AND FAITHFUL GOD!!!!!
Luke Wright Barangay is a very, very poor area and very dangerous; we were told that that area of the city has a stabbing on the average of about one per night....Many of the people that "live" in that area do not have a house, but instead sleep at night on a chair, bench, or on the dirt ground; these people are hurting and they need Jesus the same as anyone else does!
Today we will again be at BCF in the morning and then go to another Barangay area a little further away....I have been told that this afternoon my hosts have scheduled a visit for me to the Valdez family at NLCC, which is where I have worked my previous four trips; I am looking forward to seeing them again!
I have already preached 13 messages from the Word of God since we arrived on Thursday morning, Filipino time....I am scheduled to preach at least 13 more times, I believe. I am not complaining, because this is what God has called me to do for life --- It is very exciting, but also very challenging, but when I allow God to take total control (Let Go and Let God), God can do so much more than I ever believed or can comprehend!!! The other day, I was so weak physically and mentally that I could not do what God did through me; I was a perfect example of where the Bible says God's strength is made perfect in our weakness....GOD IS SO GOOD - ALL THE TIME; ALL THE TIME - GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!
Please continue to pray for us, as all three of us (myself, Richard, & and Scottie) are fighting sore throats, congestion, fevers, coughing, and some body aches....Satan is hard at work trying to keep us all from doing God's work and spreading the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!!!!
But I know that our Heavenly Father will be victorious and He will receive all glory honor and praise!!!!!!!!!
I am completing this post on my blog (http://darrellclark.blogspot.com) on Tuesday morning in the Philippines at about 7:30....Our driver, Dodong, should be here to pick us up at around 9:00AM, and then our day serving Our Creator God will begin again.....
"Heavenly Father, may we remained focused on Christ and His cross and on the mission You have placed before us to complete. As we labour for You, may Your Kingdom be furthered here on earth as new souls come to know Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. I pray that Your will will be done and that You will receive all glory, honor, and praise. Thank You, Lord, for the fruit You have produced thus far and we expect many more, as You move amongst us and work through us. To God be all glory! In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen."
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