Saturday, January 23, 2010


Yesterday (Friday, 1/22/10) I was able to visit my dear friends and Christian brother and sister, Larry and Denise Stovall, at Cabell Huntington Hospital...I have been out of the country on a short term mission trip over the past 2 weeks and have been recuperating from some sickness complicated by the trip; my doctor strongly suggested that I not visit the hospital until Friday...Although I could not visit them, I did talk to Larry by phone on Thursday and was completely amazed and inspired by his testimony!! What a solid rock of faith!! Before I could ask him how he and Denise were doing, Larry asked me how I was doing; His genuine concern for others showed through...WOW!

During our phone conversation on Thursday, and then continuing during our face-to-face visit on Friday, Larry continued to stress how good God is to meet our every need, even when we don't realize that we need something...He testified that he knew God had chosen them for a reason, although he did not understand it all yet; he said that he knew in his heart that this entire circumstance would be used to bring lost ones to Jesus Christ that otherwise might never hear about the Good News of the Gospel! Larry said that he was certain that, through it all, God would receive ALL glory, honor, and praise! WOW AGAIN!!!

Larry shared a story with me about how after several days and nights being at the hospital someone had taken the time to go shopping for him and bought him new clothes, because he had lost everything in the fire that had put Denise in the hospital over a week before...After receiving the clothes, one of the nurses suggested he use their shower and clean up; he was so thankful for the offer...He shared that as he was getting clean he thought, "I don't even have a pair of underwear to put on", but when he opened the bag of clothes, everything he needed was there, including the underwear! He looked at me, and with tears in his eyes, he said, "Darrell, God knows what we need even when we don't, and He is faithful to supply our every need!"...AGAIN, WOW, WHAT A TESTIMONY!

Larry and I took time to catch up a little in the waiting room before going back to visit Denise...As we talked, we shared stories, Scriptures, praise, thanksgiving, concern, a few laughs, and our love for one another, as Brothers In Christ...When we went back to visit Denise, I shared a few encouraging Scriptures with the both of them and then had prayer; I was there as a friend and a pastor to bring encouragement and hope to two wonderful Christian people that had lost all of their material belongings and had nearly lost their lives in a tragic fire in Ashland, Kentucky...But as I left the hospital yesterday, I was the one that went away encouraged and inspired by such a strong and courageous faith I saw in my friend and brother, Larry Stovall! DOUBLE WOW!

I could not help but think of one of my favorite Scriptures in the Bible as I listened to what Larry had to say; "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9).

"I know that ultimately, no matter what happens from here on, God will be glorified and honored, and we will win, one way or the other!" Those were some of the last words Larry said to me as I began walking to my car...Through their testimony, what Larry and Denise are saying to all of you out there, and to the world, is this; no matter what your circumstances or situations may bring in life, God is in complete and total control and, if you are a child of God, a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, no matter what happens, He still loves you and has a plan for you, therefore, be strong and courageous! God will never leave you or forsake you! He is with you wherever you go; physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and in every way! So, have faith, be strong and of good courage, and don't give up -- we win in the end!!




We will continue to pray for a miracle and are here for you
if you need us!

MAY GOD BLESS YOU BOTH AND YOUR FAMILIES!!!!! ___________________________________________________

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