"Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God,
for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ Says the Lord."
(Romans 12:19)
How many times have you said, or heard someone else say, “All I want is justice!”?…..This is something that we find very hard to trust God in; when we see an injustice occur, especially when it is against us or someone we determine defenseless, we want to see the guilty party punished…..We become impatient when we are not avenged quickly!
We are not to take vengeance into our own hands, but instead we are to respond with FORGIVENESS, LOVE, AND PRAYER! -- "WHAT?! FORGIVENESS, LOVE, AND PRAYER!?", you respond!....Our Life's Compass, God's Holy Word, says, “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). This does not mean that we are not to desire justice, but we are not to “seek vengeance” when someone offends us! God takes that responsibility; to make sure that justice is done for His children!
Paul gives three reasons for us to not have any thought of taking revenge: (a) Vengeance does not belong to us -- it belongs to God! No human being has a right to judge any other; only God can do that. (b) To treat another with kindness rather than with vengeance is the way to move the heart to shame and guilt, which may lead to repentance. In verse 20 of Romans 12, it says, “…for in doing so you will heap burning coals on his head.” This is not referring to storing up further punishment for that individual, but instead means that it will move them to burning shame; vengeance might break their spirit, but kindness will break their heart! (c) To stoop to vengeance is to allow ourselves to be conquered by evil! Evil can never conquer evil!!! Think about it; if hatred is attacked by more hatred, hatred is then multiplied!!!! But if hatred is met with love, especially the love of Christ, then hatred is abolished…..The only real way to destroy an enemy is to drown him in the love of Christ and make him a friend!!!
So --- we can agree then: that it is humanly difficult, when we act on our own, to trust in God and be patient to allow Him to see that justice is done; that our first response when we have been offended by another should be to love and forgive them and pray for them; and that we are to turn it all over to God and let Him sort it all out.
God is absolutely just, and only He can make absolutely sure that justice is fully carried out and that vengeance is done according to His will!!! Only by fully trusting God’s sovereign wisdom, can we attain freedom from our anger and be able to not be consumed by thoughts of the ones who have committed evil against us.
Booker Washington once said, “I will not allow any man to make me lower myself by hating him.”
When someone attacks you or your character, hurts you, lies about you, spreads vicious gossip concerning you, or “spiritually” attacks you or your family -- just forgive them, love them with the love of Christ, sincerely pray for them, and then remember, “’Vengeance is mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord.”
!!!!!!!!!!LET GO AND LET GOD!!!!!!!!!!
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