Wednesday, October 6, 2010



“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.” (Matthew 5:13)

Jesus was not directing these words to a bunch of theologians or theology students who had dedicated themselves to the full-time ministry of the church as clerics or pastors….Among those who heard Jesus that day were no doubt many who ended up devoting their lives to wholly spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ – His life and teachings; His death and resurrection; and His living presence among His followers….But most of those to whom He addressed that day continued to be fishermen, tax collectors, soldiers, carpenters, or shepherds….THE MAJORITY OF THE INDIVIDUALS ADDED TO THE CHURCH WERE NOT APOSTLES, PREACHERS, PASTORS, AND MINISTERS; THEY WERE LAITY!!

The function of the church to be the salt of the earth could only be fulfilled then and now by LAITY….And laymen and women must be “laity” in the Biblical sense --- “the people of God IN the world.”

Too many times the common approach to “laypeople” is wrong; we think of them as “unauthorized amateurs”….In the church we will hear them referred to as “only a layperson”, or a “part-time Christian worker”, even though they may spend a good deal of time and money doing “church work”….THIS IS ABSOLUTELY WRONG!!!!!

Looking at the Biblical concept, “laypeople” are to be the integral part of the operation of the church ministries….The “common church folk” are extremely important to the survival of the church and the completion and success of it’s ministries; without them there is no church!!!!

The church today is failing to accomplish its primary task of penetrating and transforming the world – “You are the salt of the earth;”….But Jesus doesn’t stop there; He goes on to also say in verse 14 that “You are the light of the world.”….He doesn’t say that you are salt of just a part of the earth or light of just some of the world --- “God so loved the world…”!!!

The whole earth and world begins right outside our front doors!!! If we expect to make an impact on the world for Jesus, then we must start right outside our four walls….The church does not exist for itself, as many church members believe, but we exist for those outside the church!!! The church owes a service to those who do not belong to it --- the service of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and offering His love through our sacrifice!!!




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