Friday, January 18, 2013


_______________________________________________________ PHILIPPINE MISSION UPDATE: By Wed. night there were over 566 souls that had been saved -- PRAISE THE LORD!!! Thursday morning, at Pastor Ernell's Warehouse Ministry in Dumaguete, we saw 82 accept Christ; Thursday night at our open-air crusade we had over people come to know Jesus as personal Savior & Lord; Friday morning, at our second High School in Bacong that we have visited, the Gospel of Jesus Christ was received positively by 400 students (WOW); and tonight (Friday night), in a little community just above Manjuyod, there were 40 more people who asked & received Christ into their hearts; and I cannot forget about our young male server at Shakey's Pizza this afternoon before we left town for Manjuyod - when we finished our meal and I paid the bill I congratulated him on a job well done, and then asked him if he knew Jesus Christ. His answer was initially yes, but when I asked him again saying, "Do you know Him as your PERSONAL savior & Lord; you have actually asked Him and received Him into your heart?", he responded by saying he wasn't really sure about that. Well, I immediately asked him if he would like to make absolutely certain about it, he said YES; that is when I turned it over to Pastor Cadiao, and he prayed right there and became a Christian -- PRAISE THE ALMIGHTY GOD!!!! HAL-LE-LU-JAH!!!! THEREFORE, AS OF FRIDAY NIGHT HERE IN THE PHILIPPINES, THE GRAND TOTAL OF SOULS SAVED, AND GOING TO HEAVEN & MISSING HELL, IS <<<1,088>>>; the total amount of decisions made for Christ and His ministry (including the 1,088) is over >>>1,302<<<........GOD HAS BEEN AND IS STILL CONTINUING TO MOVE IN WONDROUS AND MIGHTY, GLORIOUS WAYS HERE ON NEGROS ORIENTAL ISLAND, PHILIPPINES!!! WE GIVE GOD ALL THE GLORY AND HONOR AND PRAISE!!!! PS: And for those of you who are concerned enough to be thinking, "With that many people, there will be no way the local churches will be able to follow up!" Well, you are wrong, and you do not know Pastor Josue, Pastor Nico, & Pastor Ernell, or their wives and the lovely members of their churches and ministries that have dedicated themselves over the next several months to follow up on EVERY SINGLE decision made during our meetings, crusades, and divine encounters; they have also been enlisting help from their local association, which Brother Josue is the president of currently. I have no doubt in my heart or mind that they will eventually follow up with each and every one of these precious souls; in fact, they already have promises from a few of them to begin Bible Studies in their homes very soon! These Filipino Christians do things the right way and we American Christians could learn a thing or two from them -- the entire church works together to get things done and they are happy and joyful to be able to, and allowed to, serve Christ, others, and His church, as well as attend church services. By the way, last Sunday morning, over 50 men, women, boys, & girls from Manjuyod, which is over 2 hours away by bus, got up VERY EARLY, piled onto a large bus, and rode for over 2 hours to be at the Anniversary Celebration Service for BCF-SBC in Bacong by 9:30AM - YES, I SAID "AM" -- AND WERE EXTREMELY JOYOUS TO HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY AND PRIVILEGE TO DO SO!!!! And there are some of my members, and non-members, that I can't even get to walk across the street or drive a nice car 5 minutes across town to be at a morning service that starts at 10:45AM....THESE PEOPLE ARE TRULY HUNGRY TO HEAR THE GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST PREACHED BY A MAN OF GOD!!!!! Again, may GOD be glorified, honored, & praised!!!!!

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